Safe drinking water is a fundamental requirement for good health. In Australia, most people are fortunate enough to have access to a safe, reticulated town water supply. However, there are many places in Australia that do not have access to town water and the people that live and work in these locations may need to rely on a bulk water carrier to provide them with safe drinking water.

Potential Risks of Bulk Water Transport

Water carriers are considered mobile food premises and are required to obtain a licence from a local government for an area in which they intend to operate.

Water carriers are not considered a low-risk food business due to the serious health hazards which may arise if appropriate control measures are not taken to ensure the water is protected from contamination and to ensure the mobile premises are appropriate.  Risks associated with water carriers include:

  • The presence of harmful micro-organisms in the water such as Escherichia coli (E.coli), Salmonella and Shigella which can cause gastroenteritis
  • Mosquitoes may breed in the tank and transmit viral diseases such as Ross River Virus
  • Chemical health hazards may arise from the heavy metals or pesticides in the water supply, or inappropriate surface materials being in contact with the water.

Other common causes of contamination for water supplies that may flush into a water tank include:

  • Dead and live animals and/or their faeces, (e.g. birds)
  • Flaking paint
  • Leaves and twigs
  • Atmospheric pollutants such as sulphur dioxide or carbon monoxide.

Therefore it is imperative that bulk water carriers are registered professionals who have quality equipment and tanks to ensure a safe and hygienic water transfer, as the risks of contamination and hazards are high.

Tank, Hose and Signage Requirements

Tanks used for the storage and transportation of potable water are required to be constructed of materials that will not compromise the safety of the water. Delivery hoses must be formed from non-toxic materials, suitable and safe for contact with potable water. To ensure the tanker is not used for purposes other than the transport of potable water, it is recommended that the water carrier is conditionally licenced requiring signs to be installed on the side and rear of the tank indicating the vehicle use (e.g. Drinking Water or Domestic water carrier).

Why You Should Consider Using Laylo for Your Bulk Water Transport Needs

Laylo offers bulk water transport services to remote areas across Australia, and our fleet is equipped for both raw and potable water applications using the highest standard equipment under government regulations. Regular maintenance is essential in ensuring the drinking water provided by water carriers is safe, with staff cleaning and sanitising their tanks, hoses and any other equipment that comes into contact with drinking water at least every three months. The other ways to ensure the highest standard safety and hygiene measures include:

  • Tanker disinfection
  • Keeping detailed log books
  • Correct storage when not in use
  • Regular inspections of water tanks by an authorized person
  • Regular sampling of water inside tanks

For all your bulk water transport services, Laylo is a simple choice. If you have more enquiries, including our hotshot services or road freight transport, you can get in touch with our friendly team in Adelaide today on 1800 719 776 or visit us online for more information.